2019-04-30 11:00 ~ 2019-04-30 12:00
地點: 生化所209室
主講人: Dr. Joanne Ho
主講人背景: 美國萊斯大學生物科學研究所博士後研究員
演講主持人: 王彥士助研究員
Synthetic biology is centered on the premise of modifying biological systems to change or improve their function. While the genetic code was once thought to be inflexible, in reality it has evolved to maintain a high error rate in some yeast species and has been drastically rewritten in organelles like mitochondria. This fluidity implies that the genetic code is malleable. In this talk, I will discuss the extent of sense codon reassignment achieved using the pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase system and selenocysteine incorporation machinery. To facilitate successful application of these systems, gene expression should ideally exhibit user-controlled ON and OFF characteristics. However, in practice the dynamic range of a promoter is often difficult to predict and control. We developed a method that tunes the dynamic range of ligand-inducible promoters, then built multi-input transcriptional logic gates regulated by ligand-inducible transcription factors (LacI, TetR, AraC, XylS, RhlR, LasR, and LuxR). This talk will discuss transcriptional and translational approaches that modify the composition, sensitivity, and circuitry of essential biological processes.-Dr. Joanne Ho
洽詢人員: 劉小姐
洽詢電話: 02-27855696#2061
洽詢信箱: liukchun@gate.sinica.edu.tw