徐尚德的研究工作側重於生物巨分子結構功能關係的原子及分子層面洞察。 他透過先進核磁共振光譜學(NMR)分法提出“焦磷酸鹽籠”的分子模型來闡述抗菌肽Nisin如何辨識細菌細胞壁前驅物Lipid II進而達成標靶穿膜的殺菌活性。他首度發表利用液態NMR觀察核醣體上新生蛋白質在轉譯過程中折疊形成特定三維結構技術平台,為後續研究蛋白質折疊和錯誤折疊建立新的研究方向。他也利用液態NMR決定幾種致癌 DNA/RNA G-四股螺旋結構和折疊路徑機制動態特徵,以幫助藥物設計。在返臺任教後,徐尚德持續整合不同生物物理及化學分析方法深入研究蛋白質折疊分子機制,同時與多個研究團隊合作研究新型凝集素和糖/膜蛋白之結構功能相關性。他近來的研究著重在分析新冠病毒棘蛋白之突變如何影響宿主識別和免疫逃逸;以及癌症相關突變如何透過變構(allostery)破壞重要癌基因抑制因子 BAP1去泛素酶活性並增加其錯誤折疊聚集的分子機制。該實驗室所建立之研究技術平台也與國內外藥廠合作分析蛋白藥物之生物物理與分子結構表徵。
Structural Insight into the ZFAND1-p97 Interaction Involved in Stress Granule Clearance.
Lai CH, Ko KT, Fan PJ, Yu TA, Chang CF, Draczkowski P, Hsu STD*
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2024)
Rapid simulation of glycoprotein structures by grafting and steric exclusion of glycan conformer libraries.
Tsai YX, Chang NE, Reuter K, Chang HT, Yang TJ, von Bülow S, Sehrawat V, Zerrouki M, Tuffery M, Gecht M, Grothaus IL, Ciacchi LC, Wang YS, Hsu MF, Khoo KH, Hummer G, Hsu STD*, Hanus C*, Sikora M*
Cell (2024)
Structure, dynamics and stability of the smallest and most complex 71 protein knot.
Hsu MF, Sriramoju MK, Lai CH, Chen YR, Huang JS, Ko TP, Huang KF, Hsu STD*
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2024)
Folding and functions of knotted proteins.
Hsu STD*
Current Opinion in Structural Biologys (2023)
In situ structure and dynamics of an alphacoronavirus spike protein by cryo-ET and cryo-EM.
Huang CY, Draczkowski P, Wang YS, Chang CY, Chien YC, Cheng YH, Wu YM, Wang CH, Chang YC, Chang YC, Yang TJ, Tsai YX, Khoo KH, Chang HW, Hsu STD*
Nature Communications (2022)
Tumor suppressor BAP1 nuclear import is governed by transportin-1.
Yang TJ, Li TN, Huang RS, Pan MY, Lin SY, Lin S, Wu KP, Wang LH, Hsu STD*
Journal of Cell Biology (2022)
Impacts of cancer-associated mutations on the structure-activity relationship of BAP1.
Puri S, Chen SN, Chiu YH, Draczkowski P, Ko KT, Yang TJ, Wang YS, Uchiyama S, Hsu STD*
Journal of Molecular Biology (2022)
D614G mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein enhances viral fitness by desensitizing it to temperature-dependent denaturation.
Yang TJ, Yu PY, Chang YC, Hsu STD*
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2021)
Effect of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 mutations on spike protein structure and function.
Yang TJ, Yu PY, Chang YC, Liang KH, Tso HC, Ho MR, Chen WY, Lin HT, Wu HC, Hsu STD*
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2021)
Cryo-EM analysis of a feline coronavirus spike protein reveals a unique structure and camouflaging glycans.
Yang TJ, Chang YC, Ko TP, Draczkowski P, Chien YC, Chang YC, Wu KP, Khoo KH, Chang HW*, Hsu STD*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2020)