2019-11-08 11:00 ~ 2019-11-08 12:00
地點: 生化所209室
主講人: Dr. Handuo Shi
主講人背景: 美國史丹佛大學生物工程學博士後研究員
演講主持人: 史有伶副研究員
Bacterial cells in nature constantly encounter stresses from complex and dynamic external environments that disrupt growth. In stressed conditions, cells gradually enter a growth-arrested state (stationary phase) with altered cell size and heterogeneous transcriptional reprogramming. My research has focused on important connections among cell shape, growth, and fitness during starvation. Utilizing techniques including high-throughput growth assays, single-cell imaging, and molecular dynamics simulations, we have highlighted how bacterial cells respond to environmental stresses at different scales. We first show that in bulk culture, cells are more sensitized to disruptions on protein abundances or membrane homeostasis, when they enter or exit stationary phase. We then systematically quantified changes in cellular dimensions across fluctuating environments, and developed a time-delay ODE model explaining the trade-offs between cell surface area and volume across nutrient conditions, highlighting a global regulation of cellular physiology in single cells under fluctuating environments. Finally, we employed molecular dynamics simulations to the essential cell-shape determining protein, MreB, and showed that the conformation of MreB filaments are regulated by genetic mutations and protein-binding partners, both leading to observable changes that were further validated in vivo. Taken together, these studies spanned several length scales and revealed the complex driving forces that maintain homeostasis for cell growth and morphology under different stress conditions.-Dr. Handuo Shi
洽詢人員: 劉小姐
洽詢電話: 02-27855696#2061
洽詢信箱: liukchun@gate.sinica.edu.tw