Characterisation of a Receptor Tyrosine Pseudokinase, EphB6
2020-01-17 11:00 ~ 2020-01-17 12:00
地點: 生化所208室
主講人: Mr. Lung-Yu Liang
主講人背景: 澳洲Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research化學生物發炎與結構生物學部門博士候選人
演講主持人: 孟子青研究員
Eph receptors are the largest receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family proteins. Eph receptors oligomerise at the plasma membrane upon binding to their membrane-tethered ephrin ligands from the opposing cells, a mechanism by which the receptors autophosphorylate and amplify the downstream signalling. Among 14 Eph receptor members, EphA10 and EphB6 are categorised as “pseudokinases”, as they have lost their kinase activity. Although the functions of these two pseudokinases remain poorly characterised, down-regulated protein expression of EphB6 has been observed in multiple cancers. We aim to investigate how deregulated expression of EphB6 is associated with cancers at the molecular level. Specifically, we aim to address the outstanding questions: (1) Is EphB6 able to oligomerise at the plasma membrane? (2) What is the activation mechanism of EphB6 pseudokinase? (3) Can EphB6 act as a tumour suppressor? We have successfully expressed and purified the EphB6 intracellular domain recombinant protein from insect cells. We were able to the characterise its biochemical and structural properties using thermal shift assays, chemical cross-linking and small angle X-ray scattering experiments. We have determined two conserved tyrosine residues on the juxtamembrane region that are exclusively phosphorylated in vitro by a catalytically active Eph receptor, EphB4. We further generated a doxycycline inducible full-length EphB6 expression system in a human invasive breast cancer cell line. We have used the cutting-edge lattice light-sheet microscope to demonstrate ligand-dependent oligomerisation of EphB6. We are currently assessing the cellular consequence downstream of EphB6 expression and investigating potential phase separation driven by EphB6 oligomerisation in cells.-Mr. Lung-Yu Liang
洽詢人員: 劉小姐
洽詢電話: 02-27855696#2061
洽詢信箱: liukchun@gate.sinica.edu.tw