台灣虎頭蜂(胡蜂之一種)蜂毒富含具生物活性之物質如酵素、毒蛋白、胜肽及各種胺類,是研究蛋白質、胜肽及其他生物活性物質的寶庫。本研究室多年從事虎頭蜂蜂毒成分之化學、藥理及免疫學方面之研究,曾經從黑腹胡蜂(Vespa basalis)蜂毒中分離出其致死蛋白及多種胜肽成分,證明致死蛋白具phospholipase A1活性,其高溶血作用是導致動物死亡之主因,而各種胜肽成分則有協同加強其毒性之作用。黑腹胡蜂蜂毒中所含毒蛋白及多種胜肽成分在毒性、藥理作用及化學結構上與其他蜂種之蜂毒有明顯差異。從胜肽結構及藥理作用的研究,我們學到許多有關胜肽結構與生物活性之知識。目前我們研究室有興趣從事的工作簡述如下:
Three toxins with phospholipase activity isolated from the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa verutina) venom.
Ho CL, Lin YL, Li SF
Toxicon (1999)
Structures and biological activities of new wasp venom peptides isolated from the black-bellied hornet (Vespa basalis) venom.
Ho CL, Chen WC, Lin YL
Toxicon (1998)
Structural requirements for the Edema-inducing and hemolytic activities of mastoparan B isolated from the hornet (Vespa basalis) venom.
Ho CL, Lin YL, Chen WC, Hwang LL, Yu HM, Wang KT
Toxicon (1996)
Immunogenicity of mastoparan B, a cationic tetradecapeptide isolated from the hornet (Vespa basalis) venom, and its structural requirements.
Ho CL, Lin YL, Chen WC, Yu HM, Wang KT, Hwang LL, Chen CT
Toxicon (1995)
Cardiovascular effects of mastoparan B and its structural requirements.
Ho CL, Hwang LL, Lin YL, Chen CT, Yu HM, Wang KT
Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1994)
Edema-inducing activity of a lethal protein with phospholipase A1 activity isolated from the black-bellied hornet (Vespa basalis) venom.
Ho CL, Hwang LL, Chen CT
Toxicon (1993)
Local edema induced by the black–bellied hornet (Vespa basalis) venom and its components.
Ho CL, Hwang LL
Toxicon (1991)
Structure and biological activities of a new mastoparan isolated from the venom of the hornet Vespa Basalis.
Ho CL, Hwang LL
Biochem. J. (1991)
Purification and characterization of a lethal protein with phospholipase A1 activity from the hornet (Vespa basalis) venom.
Ho CL, Ko JL
Biochim. Biophys. Acta. (1988)
Hornetin: The lethal protein of the hornet (Vespa flavitarsus) venom.
Ho CL, Ko JL
FEBS Lett. (1986)